My favourite walking station(s)… Canterbury
Two stations, Canterbury West & Canterbury East In the second of our series on favourite walking stations, Ben Edmonds recommends Canterbury. Ben is a small business consultant and lives in Kent. Canterbury has a lot going for it when it comes to walking via a station any time of year. With two stations in a heavily pedestrianised town centre with lots of amenities, it sits directly on one section of the North Downs Way and has a wide variety of circular or station-to-station walks. Seven years ago we moved to Broadstairs in East Kent from London with our daughter who was one at the time. Since then we’ve settled in and explored the area and three years ago we got Penny, our Irish Terrier. Thanet has great beaches and coastlines, but it lacks trees and rivers and variety. As such I find myself gravitating to Canterbury and its surrounding areas as that’s our direct train (30 mins). From London, there are trains from St. Pancras and Stratford (~1 hour), or Victoria...